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Regulation No. 625 on health certificates foodstuffs and animals Regulation (EU) 2020/2235 (Foodstuff Certificates Regulation).

Type of law
Date of original text

The present Regulation, adopted by the Ministry of Health and Care Services, Ministry of Agriculture and Food, and the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries, establishes model health certificates, official certificates and combined health/official certificates in connection with the movement of animals, products of animal origin and germinal products thereof between EEA states, as well as the import from non-EEA states of animals, products of animal origin, composite products, germinal products, animal by-products, sprouts for human consumption and seeds intended for the production of sprouts for human consumption. It implements Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/2235 of 16 December 2020. In case of conflict between the provisions of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/2235 and this Regulation, the former shall always take precedence. The Norwegian Food Safety Authority shall supervise and take the necessary administrative decisions to achieve compliance with provisions given in or pursuant to this Regulation.
Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/2235, reproduced in the present Regulation, lays down rules regarding animal health certificates provided for in Regulation (EU) 2016/429, official certificates provided for in Regulation (EU) 2017/625 and animal health/ official certificates based on those Regulations and as regards the issuance and replacement of those certificates required for the entry into the Union, movements within the Union and between Member States of certain consignments of animals and goods.
Date of consolidation/reprint
Entry into force notes
28 April 2022.
Updated version as last amended by Regulation No. 199 of 15 February 2023.
Source language


Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
FOR-2022-04-06-625: Forskrift om helsesertifikater n ringsmidler og dyr forordning (EU) 2020/2235 (mathelsesertifikatforskriften).