Regulation No. 675 on or special protection against classic swine fever in certain countries in the EU.
Type of law
The purpose of this document is to ensure the prevention of swine fever in the trade of live pigs, semen, ova and embryos of swine, fresh pork and meat products of pigs imported from EEA countries listed under Appendix 1 (Vedlegg 1). It in fact prohibited to import live pigs from the areas listed in the Appendix, semen, ova or/and embryos, fresh and cooked pork, meat products consisting of or containing pork with the exception of meat free from classic swine fever certifiable back to 12 months and outside protection/surveillance zones established under Directive 2001/89/EC, or that has undergone biosecurity plans approved the competent authorities and in adherence to EU guidelines under Decision 2002/106/EF, or that is has undergone production and manufacturing processes in accordance to Directive 2002/99/EC and certified in accordance to Decision 2013/764/EU.
Attached files
Web site
Date of text
Entry into force notes
Immediate entry into force.
Source language
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Forskrift om s rskilte beskyttelsestiltak mot klassisk svinepest i enkelte land i E S.