Regulation No. 684 on greasy wastewater in Eidskog municipality, Hedmark.
Type of law
The Regulation s purpose is to set rules on the management of wastewater, in particular greasy wastewater. Grease separators shall separate vegetable and animal fats so that fat does not enable malfunctions in the pipelines of waste-treatment plants. Problems caused by fat-containing wastewater can be solidified grease accumulated in the waste plant piping. Grease separator dimensions are based on the amount of sewage and drainage water quality and shall be designed and installed according to Norwegian standards (EN 1825-1 and EN 1825-2). Exemption for enforcement of this Regulation may be granted for wastewater not exceeding a grease amount of 150 mg/liter.
Attached files
Web site
Date of text
Entry into force notes
Entry into force shall be announced in the Norwegian Law Gazette.
Source language
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Forskrift om fettholdig avl psvann, Eidskog kommune, Hedmark.