Regulation No. 761 on organization and management of anadromous salmonids populated rivers.
Type of law
This Regulation sets rules on the organization and management of anadromous salmonids populating rivers. The purpose of this Regulation is to ensure the licensee organization and management of fisheries resources in rivers with anadromous salmonids comply with its guidelines. It applies to rivers with anadromous salmonids which have a fixed spawning population estimated to more than 100 kg females. The Directorate for the Nature Management may in special cases grant exemption from the requirement of mandatory organization of small watercourses although spawning target is more than 100 kg females. Spawning population goals for each watercourse is determined by the Directorate for Nature Management. Quota shall be distributed as follows: average weight of catch for the last 5 years (75%) and length of the shoreline (25%).
Attached files
Web site
Date of text
Entry into force notes
Immediate entry into force.
Source language
Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
FOR 2013-06-25 nr 761: Forskrift om pliktig organisering og drift av vassdrag med anadrome laksefisk.