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Regulation prohibiting the importation of animals and infectious objects.

Type of law
Date of original text


This Regulation briefly regulates the importation of animals (all mammals and birds, as well as animal and other products listed in section 2) so as to prevent the spreading of animal disease. It does not apply to animals and products which are covered by specific provisions contained in other legislation. Products listed in section 2 include embryos, animal seed, meat, milk, eggs, manure, used agricultural machinery, etc. It shall be generally prohibited to import any animal or product which may contain an infectious disease. Packed goods shall always be marked so as to be able to identify them. For raw animal materials, the country of origin shall always be indicated. These rules do not apply to various animals and animal products listed in section 6. The State Animal Health Supervision Office may exempt importation from rules contained in the present Regulation, but may also seize goods or withdraw import licences or exemptions. Violations of the present Regulation shall be punished in accordance with section 19 of the Animal Farming Act. (10 sections)
Date of consolidation/reprint
Consolidated version of Regulation No. 507 of 1990 as amended last by Regulation No. 1599 of 2018.
Source language


Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Forskrift om forbud mot innf rsel av dyr og smittef rende gjenstander.