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Regulation on detailed veterinary requirements for poultry and hatching eggs.

Type of law

This Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development lays dwon detailed veterinary requirements for running a pultry plant, trade in poultry and hatching eggs within European Community and import of poultry and hatching eggs from third countries. The present Regulation establishes also the detailed requirements, the manner of issuing and the forms of health certificates for poultry and hatching eggs intended for trade or import. The Regulation is composed of the following Sections: General provisions (Sec. 1); Veterinary requirements for trade in poultry and hatching eggs (Sec. 2); Veterinary requirements for import of poultry and hatching eggs from thirs countries (Sec. 3); Final provisions (Sec. 4).
Date of text
Entry into force notes
This Regulation entered into force on 23 November 2013.
Serial Imprint
Journal of Laws 2013 Pos. 1301
Source language


Legislation Amendment
Original title
Rozporz dzenie w sprawie szczeg owych wymaga weterynaryjnych maj cych zastosowanie do drobiu i jaj wyl gowych.