Act on animals health protection and fighting against infectious diseases of animals.
Type of law
Date of original text
This Act is composed of 12 Sections and five Annexes. The Sections are the following: General provisions (sect. 1); Veterinary requirements for taking up and running controlled activities (sect. 2); Veterinary requirements for transport of animals, non-edible products of animal origin and animal by-products (sect. 3); Veterinary requirements for transit of animals (sect. 3a); Veterinary requirements for the trade in animals, non-edible products of animal origin and animal by-products (sect. 4); Veterinary requirements for transport of domestic animals for non commercial purposes and principles of identification of these animals (sect. 4a); Veterinary requirements for transport of circus animals for non commercial purposes (sect. 4b); Veterinary requirements for non-edible products of animal origin and animal by-products introduced into the market, only on the territory of the Republic of Poland (sect. 5); Veterinary requirements for transport of equidae (sect. 6); Veterinary requirements for marketing of aquaculture products (sect. 7); Principles of fighting against infectious diseases of animals (sect. 8); Rules of the use of substances with hormonal, tyreostatic and beta-agonistic effect (sect. 9); Criminal provisions (sect. 10); Amendments to certain provisions in force, transitional and final provisions (sect. 11). Annex 2 specifies the list of animal infectious diseases which should be eradicated. Annex 3 specifies the list of infectious animal diseases which shall be registered. Annex 4 specifies the list of infectious diseases of animals for which vaccination is prohibited.
Attached files
Web site
Date of consolidation/reprint
Serial Imprint
Journal of Laws 2023 Pos. 1075 (consolidated version)
Source language
Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Ustawa o ochronie zdrowia zwierzat oraz zwalczaniu chorob zakaznych zwierzat,
Amended by
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