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Decree-Law No. 113/2013 implementing EU Directive No. 2010/63 on animal protection for scientific purposes.

Type of law

This Decree-Law, consisting of 7 Chapters and 8 Annexes, establishes provisions to implement in the National territory EU Directive No. 2010/63 on animal protection used for scientific or educational purposes. This Decree-Law specifies rules concerning the following: (a) the replacement and reduction of the use of animals in procedures and the refinement of the breeding, accommodation, care and use of animals in procedures; (b) the origin, breeding, marking, animal care, accommodation and slaugthering; (c) the operations of breeders, suppliers and users; (d) the evaluation and authorization of projects involving the use of animals in procedures.
Date of text
Entry into force notes
This Decree-Law enters into force on the day after its publication.
This Decree-Law repeals Order No. 1131/97.
Serial Imprint
Di rio da Rep blica, I S rie, No. 151, 7 August 2013.
Source language


Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Decreto-Lei n. 113/2013 - Transp e a Diretiva n. 2010/63/UE, do Parlamento Europeu e do Conselho, de 22 de setembro de 2010, relativa prote o dos animais utilizados para fins cient ficos.