Decree-Law No. 294/98 establishing animal protection requirements during transport.
Type of law
This Decree-Law approves EC Council Directive No. 91/628 of 19 November establishing animal protection during transport. It consists of 6 Chapters and 1 Annex regulating the requirements to be satisfied in order to transport bovine, horses, swine, sheep and goats animal species. This Decree-Law applies to the transport of animals performed by producers aiming at animal breed or fatten when transport is carried out on agricultural vehicles or other means of transport, and the geographical circumstances require seasonal transhumance of certain types of animals. Animals covered by CITES must be transported in accordance with the CITES Guidelines for the Transport and Preparation for Shipment of Live Wild Animals and Plants.
Attached files
Date of text
Entry into force notes
This Decree-Law enters into force immediately.
This Decree-Law repeals Decree-Law No. 153/94 of 28 May and Order No. 160/95 of 27 February.
Serial Imprint
Di rio da Rep blica No. 216/98 (I-A), 18 September 1998, pp. 4838-4851.
Source language
Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment