Order No. 186/2023 adopting the Specific Regulation of Support Measures of the Mar 2030 Programme.
Type of law
This Order approves the Specific Regulation of Support Measures concerning the Sea-Programme 2030 (Programa Mar 2030). This Regulation establishes common and specific provisions applicable to the types of action under the priorities and specific objectives, object of financing by the European Fund for Maritime Affairs, Fisheries and Aquaculture (FEAMPA), for the programming period 2021-2027. Under the Sea-Programme 2030, the following types of action are created: a) Support for investments on board in the field of energy efficiency and safety and investments in productive and organizational innovation by fishing companies and collective actions; b) Support for the definitive cessation of fishing activities; c) Support for the sustainable development of aquaculture in the field of productive investments; d) Support for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the processing of fishery and aquaculture products in the field of productive investments; e) Technical assistance.
The support provided for investments in the field of energy efficiency and selectivity, in productive and organizational innovation of fishing companies aim to promote increased competitiveness and viability of fishing companies, through investments in fishing vessels, intended to improve the hygiene, health, safety and working conditions of fishers, to promote the value and quality of fishery products, to encourage processes for the improvement of energy efficiency, to mitigate the effects climate change and reduce the impact of fishing on the marine environment. The support provided for processing of fish products is intended to strengthen the competitiveness of companies in the sector of processing fishery and aquaculture products, namely by promoting energy efficiency, digitization and the integration of the circular economy into production patterns, fostering innovation and enhancing valuing products and improving production processes, creating qualified jobs and opportunities for internationalization. The support provided for aquaculture aims to improve the economic and environmental performance of aquaculture companies, as a decisive contribution to increasing aquaculture production, committed to ensuring sustainability and food safety as part of Strategic Objective 4 of the National Strategy for the Sea 2021 - 2030 and in line with the Strategic Plan for Portuguese Aquaculture 2021 -2030. The support provided for technical assistance is intended to ensure the conditions for effective and efficient management of financial resources from the Mar 2030 Programme, through the implementation of the management, monitoring, evaluation, control, dissemination and reduction of administrative burdens for beneficiaries.
The support provided for investments in the field of energy efficiency and selectivity, in productive and organizational innovation of fishing companies aim to promote increased competitiveness and viability of fishing companies, through investments in fishing vessels, intended to improve the hygiene, health, safety and working conditions of fishers, to promote the value and quality of fishery products, to encourage processes for the improvement of energy efficiency, to mitigate the effects climate change and reduce the impact of fishing on the marine environment. The support provided for processing of fish products is intended to strengthen the competitiveness of companies in the sector of processing fishery and aquaculture products, namely by promoting energy efficiency, digitization and the integration of the circular economy into production patterns, fostering innovation and enhancing valuing products and improving production processes, creating qualified jobs and opportunities for internationalization. The support provided for aquaculture aims to improve the economic and environmental performance of aquaculture companies, as a decisive contribution to increasing aquaculture production, committed to ensuring sustainability and food safety as part of Strategic Objective 4 of the National Strategy for the Sea 2021 - 2030 and in line with the Strategic Plan for Portuguese Aquaculture 2021 -2030. The support provided for technical assistance is intended to ensure the conditions for effective and efficient management of financial resources from the Mar 2030 Programme, through the implementation of the management, monitoring, evaluation, control, dissemination and reduction of administrative burdens for beneficiaries.
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Date of text
Entry into force notes
This Order enters into force on the day after its publication.
Serial Imprint
Di rio da Rep blica, I S rie, No. 127, 3 July 2023.
Source language
Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Portaria n. 186/2023, de 3 de julho - Adota o Regulamento Espec fico das Medidas de Apoio do Programa Mar 2030.