Regional Decree No. 188-p validating the Regulation on the natural park Kondinsky Lakes .
Type of law
Natural park Kondinsky Lakes shall perform the following tasks: (a) preservation of natural complexes, unique and reference natural areas of the water system of the Kondinsky Lakes, which is the basic ecosystem of the park, historical and cultural sites of ecological, historical and recreational importance; (b) preservation of endangered plant and animal species included in the national and regions Red Books of protected species, including forest reindeer; (c) preservation of monuments of history and archeology; (d) organization of research activities; (e) conducting complex ecological monitoring of the state of the environment, making an inventory of natural complexes and objects; (f) environmental education of the population; and (g) the creation of conditions for regulated recreation and tourism and the preservation of recreational resources. The following activities shall be prohibited: (a) timber extraction during the period of animal reproduction from 1 June to 31 July; (b) disturbance of habitats of wild fauna and wild flora species; (c) gardening and horticulture; (d) capture and destruction of wild fauna species; (e) stay of visitors with pneumatic, firearms and other weapons, slingshots, nets and other instruments for shooting or trapping animals; and (f) free walking of dogs.
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Date of text
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Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
- 26 2015 188- .