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National Biosafety Law No.15 of 2010.

Type of law

Purpose of this Law, consisting of 31 articles divided in VII Sections and 4 Annexes, is to regulate the activities aimed at the production of genetically modified organisms or genetically modified products and the establishment of an institutional competent body and defining its competences. Through this Law is intended to prohibit the direct release of genetically modified organisms or products into the environment or food, feed or vaccine, or manufacturing, import or export GMOs, which could have risks to human health, biodiversity and the environment.
The Biosafety National Council is established for: achieving the highest level of protection and standards in the field of research, safe transport, handling and use of the GMOs or GMOs products resulting from modern biotechnology that may have harmful effects on human health, or animals, plants and other organisms; providing competences in legislating about GMOs or GMOs products; promoting public awareness and participation in biosafety issues. Main tasks of the Council are: proposing the public policies, plans and programs in the field of the Biosafety; establishing administrative and technical mechanisms according to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety; coordinating the relations between the scientific research bodies inside and outside Sudan; creating a register for the classification of GMOs or GMOs products; assessing and addressing the risks; controlling the activities related to GMOs. To perform its technical tasks, the Council establishes a Technical Committee on Biosafety.
The Law deals also with: authorizations to carry out activities related to GMOs or GMOs products; the introduction of genetically modified varieties of agricultural crops in order to increase productivity, resistance to pests and weeds and reduce the use of pesticides; risk assessment and treatment; control of the unintentional release and emergency measures; packaging; costs and compensations in case of harm to human health or environment or biodiversity, including responsibility for the negative social and economic effects.
The VII Sections and Annexes are entitled as follows: Preliminary Provisions (I); The Council (II); Appointment of the Secretary General, his competences and powers and the Establishment of the Technical Commission of Biosafety and it functions (III); Notification (IV); Risks (V); Financial Provisions (VI); and General provisions (V). The 4 Annexes are entitled as follows: Information required in the notification (1); Notifications for food and dairy products use (2); Instructions for risk assessment (3); and Risk treatment projects (4).
Date of text
Source language


Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
(15) 2010