National Environment Protection Programme with programmes of measures until 2030.
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Based on the provisions of Environmental Protection Act, Nature Conservation Act and Waters Act, this Resolution provides for contents of the National Environment Protection Programme with programmes of measures from 2020 until the year 2030. Preserved nature and a quality environment are the values of Slovenian society. The good condition of water, air and soil is important, as is the preservation of biodiversity and natural values, whereby we are increasingly aware that we are part of the entire global society living on a limited planet. With increasing awareness of the importance of a healthy environment for the quality of life of current and future generations, environmental protection is at the forefront of Slovenian development goals. In Slovenia, we can talk about the good condition of most environmental elements, above all, the quality of water and air has improved in recent decades, we handle waste better, and we are more aware of the importance of preserved biodiversity and natural values. Knowledge and understanding of the links between pressures on the environment and the state of the environment have also improved. Environmental protection thus loses its anthropocentric, man-oriented starting point and replaces it with an ecocentric starting point, i.e. on the nature of which humans are a part. With such an approach, we protect the inner values of nature itself and adjust our behavior so that we preserve natural systems and thus the natural balance. Because nature allows us to live, but only if its cycles run in its own rhythm and are in balance. The path of society's development must therefore be a path of awareness that natural balance is the framework in which all human activities take place, and is the basis of our development. For future environmental protection, understanding and awareness of the intertwining of environmental protection with social and economic processes and a shift towards an ecosystem development model with sustainable production and consumption are key. It will be necessary to fundamentally change the systems that meet society's needs, especially food, mobile, energy and housing, as these have a decisive impact on the environment. Environmental protection will have to be ensured through a systemic approach and greater environmental coordination of the operation of all sectors of society, as well as the ambitious inclusion of environmental content in the policies of other sectors. The implementation of the this Programe will contribute to the achievement of the global goals of sustainable development as defined by the 2030 Agenda, as the environment is directly or indirectly included in most of the goals of sustainable development, especially in: Goal 2: End hunger, ensure food security and better nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture; Goal 3: to ensure healthy living and promote general well-being at all stages of life; Goal 6: ensure everyone has access to water and sanitation and ensure sustainable management of water resources; Goal 7: provide everyone with access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern sources of energy; Goal 8: Promote sustainable, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all; Goal 9: build sustainable infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and accelerate innovation; Goal 11: to ensure open, safe, durable and sustainable cities and settlements; Goal 12: ensure sustainable ways of production and consumption; Goal 13: take urgent measures to combat climate change and its consequences, recognizing that the most important international intergovernmental framework for negotiations to combat climate change at the global level is the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC); Goal 14: Conserve and sustainably use oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development; Goal 15: protect and restore terrestrial ecosystems and promote their sustainable use, sustainably manage forests, combat the spread of desertification, prevent and reverse land degradation, and prevent biodiversity loss.
With the National Environmental Protection Program for the period 2020-2030 the directions, goals, tasks and measures of environmental protection stakeholders are been set: long-term directions, goals, tasks and measures of environmental protection; long-term directions, goals, tasks and measures for the preservation of biodiversity and the protection of natural values (National Nature Protection Program); national water management policy (National Water Management Program); measures to achieve the goals of the Development Strategy of Slovenia 2030, which also recognizes a preserved healthy natural environment among the strategic directions for achieving quality life; guidelines for planning and implementing policies of other sectors that affect the environment; guidelines and measures for fulfilling international development commitments (mainly the Agenda for Sustainable Development until 2030 (Agenda 2030); guidelines and measures for fulfilling international commitments in the field of environmental protection, nature conservation and water management. In accordance with the Environmental Protection Act, this Programe defines long-term directions, goals and tasks for environmental protection: summary of the environmental report, goals in a certain period and measures for their realization, priorities, guidelines for the development of environmental protection activities and public services, assessment of the necessary funds for the implementation of the program and their resources, obligations from ratified international treaties and EU strategies and programs related to environmental protection. In accordance with the Nature Conservation Act, this text defines the public interest in the preservation of biodiversity and the protection of natural values, and the goals and directions for: preservation of biodiversity through a program of measures to protect plant and animal species, their habitats and ecosystems, protection of natural values through the program of establishment of protected areas and restoration of natural values, method of fulfilling international obligations, upbringing and education in the field of nature conservation, public awareness of the importance of nature conservation, provision of financial resources for the implementation of nature protection. In accordance with the Water Act, the National Water Management Program defines the national water management policy, which contains: assessment of the situation in the field of water management, goals and directions for water protection, water regulation and their sustainable use, priorities for achieving water management goals, assessment of the necessary funds for the implementation of the program and the deadline for achieving the goals and guidelines for the implementation of international agreements relating to water management.
This text addresses different provisions and topics such as international development and environmental commitments, protection, preservation and improvement of natural capital, biodiversity and natural values - National nature conservation program, status and challenges for biodiversity conservation, preservation of landscape features important for biodiversity, the impact of non-native species and the use of genetic resources on biodiversity conservation, direct nature conservation control, education and training for nature conservation, public awareness of the importance of nature conservation, mapping and evaluation of ecosystems and their services, establishment and maintenance of green infrastructure, soil protection, air quality protection and pollution control, water management, protection and use of water resources, maintenance of watercourses, water facilities and water and coastal land, low-carbon society that manages resources effectively, prevents waste and manages effectively the occurred waste, several objectives in terms of protection against environmental risks, noise protection, chemical substances management, light pollution, adaptation to climate change, integration of environmental protection goals into the policies of other sectors, research, development and innovation for environmental protection, monitoring the achievement of designated goals, strategic plan for the conservation of biodiversity in Slovenia.
With the National Environmental Protection Program for the period 2020-2030 the directions, goals, tasks and measures of environmental protection stakeholders are been set: long-term directions, goals, tasks and measures of environmental protection; long-term directions, goals, tasks and measures for the preservation of biodiversity and the protection of natural values (National Nature Protection Program); national water management policy (National Water Management Program); measures to achieve the goals of the Development Strategy of Slovenia 2030, which also recognizes a preserved healthy natural environment among the strategic directions for achieving quality life; guidelines for planning and implementing policies of other sectors that affect the environment; guidelines and measures for fulfilling international development commitments (mainly the Agenda for Sustainable Development until 2030 (Agenda 2030); guidelines and measures for fulfilling international commitments in the field of environmental protection, nature conservation and water management. In accordance with the Environmental Protection Act, this Programe defines long-term directions, goals and tasks for environmental protection: summary of the environmental report, goals in a certain period and measures for their realization, priorities, guidelines for the development of environmental protection activities and public services, assessment of the necessary funds for the implementation of the program and their resources, obligations from ratified international treaties and EU strategies and programs related to environmental protection. In accordance with the Nature Conservation Act, this text defines the public interest in the preservation of biodiversity and the protection of natural values, and the goals and directions for: preservation of biodiversity through a program of measures to protect plant and animal species, their habitats and ecosystems, protection of natural values through the program of establishment of protected areas and restoration of natural values, method of fulfilling international obligations, upbringing and education in the field of nature conservation, public awareness of the importance of nature conservation, provision of financial resources for the implementation of nature protection. In accordance with the Water Act, the National Water Management Program defines the national water management policy, which contains: assessment of the situation in the field of water management, goals and directions for water protection, water regulation and their sustainable use, priorities for achieving water management goals, assessment of the necessary funds for the implementation of the program and the deadline for achieving the goals and guidelines for the implementation of international agreements relating to water management.
This text addresses different provisions and topics such as international development and environmental commitments, protection, preservation and improvement of natural capital, biodiversity and natural values - National nature conservation program, status and challenges for biodiversity conservation, preservation of landscape features important for biodiversity, the impact of non-native species and the use of genetic resources on biodiversity conservation, direct nature conservation control, education and training for nature conservation, public awareness of the importance of nature conservation, mapping and evaluation of ecosystems and their services, establishment and maintenance of green infrastructure, soil protection, air quality protection and pollution control, water management, protection and use of water resources, maintenance of watercourses, water facilities and water and coastal land, low-carbon society that manages resources effectively, prevents waste and manages effectively the occurred waste, several objectives in terms of protection against environmental risks, noise protection, chemical substances management, light pollution, adaptation to climate change, integration of environmental protection goals into the policies of other sectors, research, development and innovation for environmental protection, monitoring the achievement of designated goals, strategic plan for the conservation of biodiversity in Slovenia.
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Date of consolidation/reprint
Entry into force notes
Consolidated version
Publication reference
Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia 31/2020-44/2022
Source language
Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Resolucija o Nacionalnem programu varstva okolja za obdobje 2020 2030.