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Water Act.

Type of law
Date of original text

This Act provides for the management of marine waters, inland and groundwaters, and of water and waterside land in order to ensure protection against the adverse effects of water, to preserve and balance water quantities, to promote the sustainable use of waters for various types of use, etc. The Act consists of 7 Parts divided into 217 articles. Surface waters shall be classified into class 1 waters as listed in the Annex and class 2 waters, which shall include all other waters. Inland waters, inland water land, inland waterside land, marine water land and marine waterside land are defined and their boundaries determined in articles 10 to 14 and articles 29 and 30. Formation or cancellation of natural and artificial public water assets, and natural or artificial public marine assets are provided for in articles 15 to 22 and 30 to 35. Articles 23 to 27 apply to changes in water land caused by natural events. Restrictions and revocations of property rights on water, waterside and other land are provided for in articles 36 to 43. Water infrastructures are to be constructed for the regulation of waters, water monitoring, for the special use of water or marine assets, etc. (arts. 45 to 51).
The main water systems in the Republic of Slovenia shall be the Danube water system and the Adriatic Sea water system. A National Water Management Programme shall be adopted by the National Assembly and for its implementation water management plans shall be adopted for the Danube and Adriatic sea catchment areas (arts. 54 to 61).
To protect and improve water quality, surface and groundwater bodies shall be classified according to their ecological and chemical conditions. Prohibitions and restrictions shall include wastewater discharge, use of fertilizers or plant protection agents, depositing or disposal of substances, use of hazardous substances (arts. 64 to 73). The Government shall designate protected water areas, intended for supplying drinking water, and bathing areas.
Regulations of water are provided for in articles 80 to 104 and include preservation and adjustment of water quantities, protection against the adverse effects of water, maintenance of water, and waterside land, and maintenance of the hydro-morphological condition of the water regime. Water and marine assets may be used by all or may need a water permit (arts. 125 to 135). A water book and water cadastre shall be kept by the ministries. For the implementation of this Act a Water Institute, a Water Fund, a Water Conference and a Water Council shall be established (arts. 158 to 173). The inspection and supervision of the implementation of the provisions of this Act shall be carried out by inspectors responsible for health (Part IV). The remaining part of this Act contains penal provisions and provisions of miscellaneous nature.
Date of consolidation/reprint
Entry into force notes
This Act enters into force 15 days after its publication in the Uradni list Republike Slovenije.
Consolidated version
Publication reference
Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia 67/2002-65/2020
Source language


Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Zakon o vodah.
Amended by
Implemented by