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Regulation on conditions for the use and storage of fishmeal, milk substitutes containing fishmeal, dicalcium phosphate and tricalcium phosphate of animal origin, blood meal, blood products, and of compound feedingstuffs obtained at agricultural holdings.

Type of law

This Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Food, which is composed of 15 articles, lays down: (1) conditions of the storage and use at agricultural holdings of fishmeal, milk substitutes containing fishmeal, dicalcium phosphate of animal origin, tricalcium phosphate of animal origin, blood meal, blood products and their forage mixtures, for the feeding of ruminant livestock, non-ruminant and fish which are reared for the purposes of food production; (2) risk analysis procedures carried out by competent authority in case of small quantities of residues of animal tissues in feed materials of plant origin.
Date of text
Entry into force notes
This Regulation entered into force on 2 May 2009.
Serial Imprint
Official Gazette No. 30/2009
Source language


Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Pravilnik o pogojih za uporabo in skladi cenje ribje moke, mlecnih nadomestkov z ribjo moko, dikalcijevega fosfata in trikalcijevega fosfata ivalskega izvora, krvne moke, krvnih proizvodov in njihovih krmnih me anic na kmetijskem gospodarstvu.