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Regulation (EC) No. 183/2005 of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down requirements for feed hygiene.

Type of law

The present Regulation lays down general rules governing feed hygiene, conditions and arrangements ensuring traceability of feed as well as conditions and arrangements for registration and approval of establishments. As regards the scope, the Regulation shall apply to: (a) the activities of feed business operators at all stages, from and including primary production of feed, up to and including, the placing of feed on the market ; (b) the feeding of food producing animals ; (c) imports and exports of feed from and to third countries. The Regulation is composed of the following Chapters : (I) Subject matter, scope and definitions ; (II) Obligations ; (III) Guides to good practice ; (IV) Imports and exports ; (V) Final provisions. In addition, five Annexes are attached. Annex I concerns primary production; Annex II lays down requirements for feed businesses other than at the level of primary production of feed referred to in article 5(1) ; Annex III deals with good animal feeding practice.
Date of text
Entry into force notes
This Regulation shall apply from 1 January 2006.
Serial Imprint
Official Journal of the European Union L 35, 8 February 2005, pp. 1-22.
Source language


Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Implemented by