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Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of the Republic of Turkey and the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran on Natural Resources and Watershed Management.

Type of law

This MoU sets out a framework for co-operation in the fields of natural resources and watershed management between Turkey and Iran. The parties agree to co-operate in the fields of production of seedlings and fast growing species, integrated watershed management, control of erosion and afforestation, combating desertification, conservation of water and soil, waste water management, sustainable forest management, forest fire control and early warning systems. The contracting parties will cooperate in above mention fields through capacity building, monitoring and evaluation, exchange of information and researchers. The parties also agree to establish a Joint Committee. This MoU may be amended by mutual written consent. The MoU is valid for five years and is automatically renewable with termination rights requiring six months written notice.
Date of text
Entry into force notes
The MoU enters into force on the day of declaration of all national legal requirements are fulfilled by both contracting governments
Serial Imprint
Official Gazette No: 28980 (Mukerrer), 22 April 2014.
Source language


Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
T rkiye Cumhuriyeti H k meti ile ran slam Cumhuriyeti H k meti Aras nda Do al Kaynaklar ve Su Havzas Amenajman zerine Mutabakat Zapt .