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Regulation concerning the transport of hazardous substances by road.

Type of law

This Regulation sets forth rules governing the transportation of hazardous materials by road. It defines the duties and obligations of suppliers, recipients, loading parties, unloading parties, packagers, transporters and vehicle operators or drivers. The Regulation has been adopted in compliance with the European Agreement Concerning the International Carriage of Goods by Road. Companies and individuals who are involved in such transportation must possess the certificates required. Public agencies and institutions transporting such materials for their own use and with their own vehicles do not need such certificates. However, they must comply with the remaining provisions of this Regulation. The General Directorate of Highways, transportation coordination centers, provincial traffic commissions and county administrations shall plan routes, parking areas and deposits for vehicles carrying hazardous materials. All activities covered by this Regulation are subject to inspection by the Ministry of Transportation. Further provisions concern derogations and exceptions that may be granted by the Ministry of Transport under certain circumstances.
Date of text
Serial Imprint
Official Journal No. 26.479, 31 March 2007.
Source language


Legislation Amendment