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Waste Picker Integration Guideline for South Africa
South Africa

The second National Waste Management Strategy (NWMS) (DEA, 2011: 27) commits government to “provide guidance to municipalities and industry on measures to improve the working conditions of waste-pickers”. Government has undertaken a number of activities to fulfil this mandate.

Grants, Plastic waste, Sound environmental management, Stakeholder engagement, Waste, waste collection, waste disposal, Waste management
Progressive Realization of the Right to Water in South Africa
South Africa

In 1996, South Africa adopted a new constitution that includes a constitutional right to water and a requirement that the state “take reasonable legislative and other measures, within its available resources, to achieve the progressive realisation of these rights.” In order to implement this right, South Africa passed legislation, promulgated regulations, and developed a strategic framework. It has made significant progress, but has not yet fulfilled the rights to water and sanitation for an estimated 7-15 percent of the population.