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Plastic Packaging and Plastic Bottles Regulation 2010 (S.I. No. 98 of 2010).

Type of law

These Regulations, made by the Minister of Environment, Water and Climate in terms of section 140 of the Environmental Management Act, prohubits the manufacture for use within Zimbabwe, commercial distribution or importation of plastic packaging with a wall thickness of less than thirty micrometers and requires every manufacturer of plastic packaging and plastic bottles, retailer of plastic packaging and plastic bottles or every local authority to set plastic waste prevention targets and to notify the Environmental Management Agency of such targets. The Schedule contains a Compulsory Specification. This is to assist the implementation of the Plastic Packaging and Plastic Bottles Regulations in order to protect the environment. These specifications cover requirements for packaging that is made from thermo-plastic materials and covers plastic, and carrier packaging both domestically produced and imported for use within Zimbabwe. It also covers the thickness and printing requirements for these packaging. The specifications do not cover bread packaging, which may have a thickness of twenty-five micrometers.
Chemicals and Waste
Marine and Freshwater
Date of text
Source language


Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Toolkit legislation
Plastic toolkit tags
Plastic packaging, Product bans, Plastic beverage containers, Plastic polymers, Thickness, Plastic waste, Waste prevention, Biodegradable plastics