Decree on the details of waste management.
Type of law
This Decree of the Ministry of the Environment lays down, pursuant to relevant regulations of the European Union: (a) requirements for facilities used for waste management; (b) details of the transmission of data on waste within the school collection; (c) technical conditions for waste collection; (d) details for the use of waste for backfilling; (e) conditions under which waste generated during the treatment of separately concentrated municipal waste may be transferred for energy recovery and disposal; (f) details of landfilling; (g) details of shipments of waste and transboundary shipments of waste; (h) requirements for keeping continuous records and reporting on waste; (i) details of municipal waste management; (j) details of hazardous waste management; (k) details related to selected metal waste; (l) details of the handling of demolished building materials during removal of construction or maintenance of the construction; (m) details of biodegradable waste management; (n) details of community composting; (o) details of sludge management; (p) details of handling polychlorinated biphenyls; (q) details of waste mercury management; (r) details of waste oil management; (s) details of household medicinal products; (t) details of related economic instruments. The present Decree is composed of the following Sections: (1) Introductory provisions; (2) Details of operation of waste management facilities; (3) School collection; (4) Obligations under individual waste management methods; (5) Waste shipment; (6) Basic description of watste, records and reporting; (7) Obligations in the management of certain types of waste; (8) Economic instruments; (9) Final and transitional provisions; (10) Effectiveness.
Attached files
Web site
Date of text
Entry into force notes
This Decree entered into force on 7 August 2021.
Serial Imprint
Collection of Laws No. 273/2021
Source language
Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Vyhl ka o podrobnostech nakl d n s odpady.