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Order No. 1023 on water quality and supervision of water supply systems.

Type of law

The present Order lays down rules on the quality requirements that shall be met for water from all water supply facilities that provide water to: a) Food businesses; b) Businesses manufacturing pharmaceuticals or other products with specific health-related requirements for water supply; c) Other commercial or public activities; d) Household use for a single dwelling; and e) Household use for more than one dwelling. It also lays down rules on what control measurements shall be conducted on water; how control over extracted water quantities should be maintained; what notifications need to be provided to consumers; what supervision is to be conducted over water supply systems. Efforts shall be made to achieve the best possible water quality, regardless of the quality requirements outlined in this decree
The Order consists of 36 Articles organized in the following chapter: 1) Scope, Definitions, and Fundamental Principles; 2) Quality Requirements for Water from Water Supply Facilities; 3) Control of Water Quality; 4) Control of Water Consumption; 5) Supervision of the Technical Facility; 6) Other Reporting Obligations; 7) Municipal Council's Reporting of Information on Decisions Affecting Property Transactions for the Purpose of Publication and Disclosure of Such Information; 8) Information for Consumers Regarding Water Supply and Water Quality; 9) Complaints; 10) Penalties; 11) Entry into force and transitional rules. The Order contains ten annexes.
Date of text
Entry into force notes
5 July 2023.
Source language


Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
BEK nr 1023 af 29/06/2023: Bekendtg relse om vandkvalitet og tilsyn med vandforsyningsanl g.