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Order No. 1290 on Pesticides.

Type of law

This Order applies to pesticides which are subject to authorization under pesticide regulations. It establishes rules on pesticide regulations for approval, production, import, sale, labelling, use, possession and monitoring of pesticides. The Order also provides rules for national authorization of biocidal products and the protection of data in this regard. Application for and approval of active substances and plant protection products adhere to the Order on Plant Protection rules. Submitted applications for the approval of pesticides must indicate whether the agent can be described as hazardous. Pesticides shall be utilized to fight fungi, algae, and pests. Import and trade of biocide products shall be subject to prior authorization by the Minister of Environment to ensure compliance with EU regulations. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) shall regulate tasks conferred to national competent authorities, including the evaluating competent authorities, and shall approve biocidal products authorization for use.
The Order consists of 15 Chapters and 5 Appendices: Scope and definitions (1); Approval of pesticides (2); Approval of biocidal products not covered by Biocide Regulations (3); Sale and possession of pesticides (4); Special provisions for measures to combat rats (5); Special rules for plant protection (6); Experimental testing of biocidal products (7); Consultation of National Action Plan (8); Charges and fees (9); Notification of biocidal products (10); Data protection and data sharing of biocidal products (11); Administrative provisions (12); Penalties (13); Entry into force (14); Transitional provisions (15).
Appendix 1 - Requirements for application for approval in accordance with article 15 of a chemical biocidal product.
Appendix 2 - Information on labels (art. 17, section 1).
Appendix 3 - Authorized manufacturing and analytical tolerances for biocides (art. 4).
Appendix 4 - Overview of basic fees and costs for processing cases of biocidal products. All fees are in Danish Crowns (DKK).
Appendix 5 - Overview of basic fees and costs for processing cases of plant protection.
Date of text
Entry into force notes
26 November 2015.
Source language


Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Bekendtg relse om bek mpelsesmidler.