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Regulation No. 51 of Estonian Government on Procedure for handling hazardous and noxious substances at sea, on the Narva River and on Lake Peipsi.

Type of law
Date of original text

The Regulation, based on the provisions of paragraph 143 (7) of the Water Act, and on the provisions of paragraph 14 (2) point 5 of the State Border Act, establishes the procedure for the handling of hazardous and noxious substances in the Estonian sea area, the Narva River and Lake Peipsi. It consists of twelve sections: Scope of regulation (1); Terms (2); General requirements for handling hazardous and noxious substances (3); Requirements for bunker vessels (4); Place of handling (5); Notification of planned handling of hazardous and noxious substances (6); Acts before commencement of handling (7); Commencement of handling (8); Requirements to be met during handling (9); Suspension and termination of handling (10); Notification of pollution incident (11); and Implementing provision (12).
Date of consolidation/reprint
Consolidated text of the Regulation no. 51 of 2020, as last amended by the Regulation no. 71 of 2022, published in the State Gazette I, no. 1 of 21 July 2022.
Serial Imprint
State Gazette I, no. 4 of 27 June 2020.
Source language


Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Vabariigi Valitsus m rus nr 51 Merel, Narva j el ja Peipsi j rvel ohtlike ning kahjulike ainete k itlemise kord.