Water Act.
Type of law
Date of original text
Ownership of groundwater, of designated boundary water bodies, of designated navigable water bodies, of designated water bodies significant from the standpoint of fishery resources, and of other water bodies to be determined by law, vests in the State (art. 5). Ownership of surface water bodies located on private land vests in the owner of the land (art. 4). With limited exceptions, the general public shall have access to water bodies for certain nominated public uses (among others, bathing, water sports, fishing) (art. 7). "Special" uses of water, i.e., those which are carried out by means of waterworks or installations that are likely to affect the conditions of the water, are subject to a government permit, regardless of whether the water in question is public or private (art. 6). "Special" uses requiring a permit include the abstraction of surface water in an amount exceeding 30 m3 per day, the abstraction of groundwater in an amount exceeding 5 m3 per day, the use of mineral water, and the discharge of wastewater (arts. 8 and 15). A permit for special use of water, including a pollution permit, will be granted or refused pursuant to criteria laid down in article 9. With certain exceptions - notably, all public uses, irrigation, groundwater extraction for domestic use, and extraction by the owner of the water body - charges can be levied on uses of water (art. 11).
The discharge of polluting substances into water bodies is subject to a permit of the competent municipalities, but the discharge of toxic and hazardous substances, the discharge of sewage into groundwater, and a number of other polluting activities, are absolutely prohibited (arts. 24-27). Protection zones can be established around drinking water sources (art. 28), and along the banks and shoreline of water bodies. The latter, in particular, are meant to protect the water resources from pollution from non-point sources, and from erosion (art. 29). The Government shall have authority to stop unauthorized activities affecting the state of water bodies (art. 33). Data concerning water resources and relevant uses and users are to be regularly collected and recorded in a State Water Register (art. 36).
The discharge of polluting substances into water bodies is subject to a permit of the competent municipalities, but the discharge of toxic and hazardous substances, the discharge of sewage into groundwater, and a number of other polluting activities, are absolutely prohibited (arts. 24-27). Protection zones can be established around drinking water sources (art. 28), and along the banks and shoreline of water bodies. The latter, in particular, are meant to protect the water resources from pollution from non-point sources, and from erosion (art. 29). The Government shall have authority to stop unauthorized activities affecting the state of water bodies (art. 33). Data concerning water resources and relevant uses and users are to be regularly collected and recorded in a State Water Register (art. 36).
Attached files
Date of consolidation/reprint
Consolidated version of the Water Act of 1994 as at 27 November 2018 and amended last by Act of 14 June 2017.
Serial Imprint
Photocopy, 14 pp.
Source language
Legislation status
Legislation Amendment
Implemented by
Repealed by