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Council Directive 84/491/EEC on limit values and quality objectives for discharges of hexachlorocyclohexane.

Type of law


This Directive establishes limit values and quality objectives for discharges of hexachlorocyclohexane. The limit values, the time limits by which they must be complied with and the monitoring procedure for discharges are laid down in Annex I. The limit values shall normally apply at the point where waste waters containing HCH leave the industrial plant. If waste waters containing HCH are treated outside the industrial plant at a treatment plant intended for the removal of HCH, the Member State concerned may permit the limit values to be applied at the point where the waste waters leave the treatment plant. The Member States concerned shall be responsible for monitoring the aquatic environment affected by industrial discharges. In the case of discharges affecting the waters of more than one Member State, the Member States concerned shall cooperate with a view to harmonizing monitoring procedures. This Directive applies to the waters referred to in article 1 of Directive 76/464/EEC with the exception of groundwater. (7 articles and 4 Annexes)
Date of text
Serial Imprint
CELEX-EUR Official Journal L 274, 17 October 1984, pp. 11-17.
Source language


Legislation status
Legislation Amendment