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Groundwater Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1998 (S.R. 401 of 1998).

Type of law

The Regulations require the Department of the Environment to use its new powers under the Regulations and its existing powers under the Water Act (Northern Ireland) 1972 to prevent the direct or indirect discharge of list I substances to groundwater and to control pollution resulting from the direct or indirect discharge of list II substances (regs. 4 to 14). The new powers are conferred by regulations 13 and 16 to 20 which introduce: (a) a new requirement for an authorization for the disposal, or tipping for the purposes of disposal, of list I or II substances: (b) a new procedure for prohibiting or regulating by notice other activities in or on land which pose an indirect threat to groundwater from list I or II substances. There are exceptions from the main controls (subject to certain safeguards) in relation to: (a) discharges to groundwater unsuitable for other uses, (b) water used for geothermal purposes or pumped out of mines, quarries or civil engineering works, and (c) artificial recharges of groundwater for management purposes (regs. 4(6) and 12). The Regulations apply certain modifications to section 8 of the Water Act (Northern Ireland) 1972 in connection with the new controls (regs. 15 and 16). Regulation 21 deals with information to be included on registers maintained under section 9(9) of the Water Act (Northern Ireland) 1972. Regulation 22 makes transitional provisions in relation to the new authorization procedure. Regulation 23 makes provision for consultation with the competent authorities in the Republic of Ireland if the Department intends to grant an authorization which might affect transfrontier groundwater.
Date of text
Entry into force notes
Coming into force: regulations 1, 2 and 22 on 1 January 1999; all other provisions on 1 April 1999.
Regulation 24 revokes the Pollution of Groundwater by Dangerous Substances Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1994.
Source language


Legislation status
Legislation Amendment