Miscellaneous Food Additives Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1996 (S.R. No. 50 of 1996).
Type of law
These Regulations implement European Parliament and Council Directive 95/2/EC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States concerning food additives authorized for use in foodstuffs intended for human consumption. The principal provisions of the Regulations: (1) prohibit the use in or on any food of any miscellaneous additive; (2) prohibit the use in or on any food of any permitted miscellaneous additive otherwise than in accordance with the Regulations (reg. 3); (3) restrict the use of miscellaneous additives primarily as a carrier or carrier solvent (reg. 3) and the presence of such additives in certain food (reg. 3); (4) prohibit the sale for use in or on food, or the sale direct to the consumer, of any miscellaneous additive other than a permitted miscellaneous additive (reg. 5); (5) restrict the sale of miscellaneous additives for use primarily as a carrier or carrier solvent (reg. 5) and the sale of food additives in combination with miscellaneous additives which have been so used (reg. 5); (6) prohibit the sale of any food containing any added miscellaneous additive other than a permitted miscellaneous additive used or present in accordance with regulation 3 (reg. 5); specify purity criteria, etc.
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Date of text
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Legislation status
Legislation Amendment
Amended by