Plastic Materials and Articles in Contact with Food (Amendment) (No. 2) (Wales) Regulations 2005 (W.S.I. No. 1649 (W.130) of 2005).
Type of law
The Regulations amend the Plastic Materials and Articles in Contact with Food Regulations 1998 by: (a) amending the definition of "additive" to maintain consistency with Commission Directive 2004/19/EC (reg. 3(a)(i)); (b) removing references to lists of substances whose authorizations are now spent (reg. 4(a)); (c) extending to articles the provisions of regulation 4(5) of the 1998 Regulations that formerly only applied to materials (reg. 4(b)); (d) adding a restriction on the use of additives in the manufacture of plastic materials and articles which relates to substances also used as food additives or flavourings (reg. 5(a)); (e) extending to articles to the provisions of regulation 5(4) of the 1998 Regulations that formerly only applied to materials (reg. 5(b)); (f) making provision for the procedure to be followed and the time limits to be observed by any person wishing to have an additive included in the Community list of authorized additives (reg. 6); (g) amending the labelling requirements for plastic materials and articles at the pre-retail stage so as to require additional information to be given (reg. 7); (h) making a consequential amendment to regulation 10 (offences) brought about by the amendment to the labelling requirements (reg. 8(a)); (i) providing a defense to breach of the 1998 Regulations as last amended by these Regulations in respect of plastic materials or articles manufactured or imported into the European Community before 1 March 2006 (reg. 8(b)).
Attached files
Web site
Date of text
Entry into force notes
These Regulations come into force on 24 June 2005.
Source language
Legislation status
Legislation Amendment