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Law No. 4384 establishing Agricultural Cooperatives, as forms of collective organization of rural lands.

Type of law

This Law, consisting of 61 articles divided into twelve Chapters, establishes Agricultural Cooperatives, as forms of collective organization of rural lands. The Agricultural Cooperative (DP), is an autonomous association of individuals, constituted voluntarily seeking, through the mutual assistance and solidarity of its members, their collective economic, social, cultural development and promotion through a co-owned and democratically governed enterprise. DPs are also considered as: fishing, stock breeding, poultry, bee-keeping, agricultural, agro-tourism, agro-technical, farming and other cooperatives of any branch or activity of the rural economy. This Law does not apply to Forestry Cooperatives and their Associations. DP develops all kinds of activity in order to achieve its goals under the law and its statutes. DP may be legal entities, cooperate with consumers or other cooperatives, public or private legal entities, charitable organizations, local government and cooperative organizations other countries and with natural or legal persons in the context of transnational or interprofessional cooperation. DP members must be formed by a minimum number of five founding members. For matters not governed by this Law, the provisions of commercial law and the Civil Code shall apply.
Date of text
Entry into force notes
This Law enters into force on its publication in the Official Gazette, except for para 13 of Article 16, which validity shall begin 2 years after the publication.
Source language


Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
. 4384 , .