Regulation on the availability of data to consumers on official fuel consumption and official specific CO2 emissions of new passenger cars.
Type of law
This Regulation, based on the provisions of the Croatian Law on the environmental protection, prescribes the method of availability and content of data available to consumers on official fuel consumption and official specific CO 2 emissions of new passenger cars intended for sale or leasing; method of informing consumers about official fuel consumption and official specific CO 2 emissions of new passenger cars intended for sale or leasing; content and manner of drafting the Guide (also containing the clarification of effects of greenhouse gas emissions on climate change, the contribution of motor vehicle emissions to climate change and instructing consumers to choose to use different types of motor fuels, describing their impact on the environment based on the latest scientific knowledge and legislation) on fuel economy and CO-2 emissions of new personal vehicles intended for sale or leasing. This text further transposes several legal acts of the European Union into Croatian legislation, as listed in article 2 (Directive 1999/94/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 December 1999 relating to the availability of consumer information on fuel economy and CO2 emissions in respect of the marketing of new passenger cars and amending and deriving documents). The Annex is part of this publication (data display and graphics).
Attached files
Date of text
Entry into force notes
This text entered into force eight days after its publication in the Official Gazette (published on 20 October 2021).
Publication reference
Official Gazette of the Republic of Croatia 113/2021
Source language
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Pravilnik o dostupnosti podataka potro a ima o slu benoj potro nji goriva i slu benim specifi nim emisijama CO2 novih osobnih vozila.