Decree No. 17 of 2014 (III. 7.) VM of the Ministry of Rural Development on the requisites for the support of measures aimed at the realization of common interests falling under priority axis 3 of the Fisheries Operational Program co-financed by the European Fisheries Fund.
Type of law
Date of original text
This Decree must be applied to the support for the implementation of the objectives determined under priority axis 3 of the Fisheries Operational Program. The support granted under this Decree is a non re-payable support. General and detailed rules of application for support, payment and sanctions are comprised in this Decree. Among others, fish products promotion, traditional and ecological production, research and educational activities, sustainable development and knowledge transfer, innovative pilot programs may be financed by this measure.
Attached files
Web site
Date of consolidation/reprint
Entry into force notes
First entry into force on 10 March 2014. The consolidated version of the Decree entered into force on 16 September 2014.
Source language
Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
17/2014. (III. 7.) VM rendelet az Eur pai Hal szati Alapb l a 3. priorit si tengely szerinti k z s rdekeket c lz int zked sek t mogat s nak r szletes felt teleir l