European Union (Birds and Natural Habitats) (Sea-fisheries) Regulations 2013 (S.I. 290 of 2013).
Type of law
These Regulations implement in Ireland provisions of Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the conservation of wild birds and Council Directive 92/43/EEC ( habitats Directive ). These Regulations apply to the regulation of sea-fishing in so far as the regulation of that activity is necessary to secure compliance with the European Communities (Birds and Natural Habitats) Regulations 2011 and the objectives of the habitats Directive. Where the Minister is satisfied that a sea-fishing activity has the potential to have an impact on the conservation objectives of a European site (as defined by the 2011 Regulations), the Minister may invite to submit a plan ( fisheries Natura plan ), that relates to such activity. The purpose of a fisheries Natura plan is to assist in the achievement of the conservation objectives of a European site having regard to sea-fishing activity which has the potential to have an impact on those conservation objectives. These Regulations concern screening, assessment and adoption of a plan and the issuing by the Minister of a fisheries Natura declaration. A fisheries Natura declaration may relate to one or more European sites and to any fishing activity which has the potential to impact on the conservation objectives of a European site. A fisheries Natura declaration may include measures specified by these Regulations. Where a fisheries Natura declaration requires that sea-fishing, or the purchase, sale, handling, transport, processing, or storage of fish be regulated by permit, a person shall not, nor cause or allow another person to, except in accordance with a fisheries Natura permit, fish for, land, tranship or have on board, fish of a species specified in the declaration or, as the case may be, purchase, sell, handle, transport, process or store such fish.
The Regulations also provide with respect to authorised officers and offences.
The Regulations also provide with respect to authorised officers and offences.
Attached files
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Date of text
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Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment