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Public Health Law No. 89 of 1981.

Type of law
Date of original text

This Law consisting of 106 articles divided in V Sections aims at providing for the enjoyment of citizens' rights to full physical, mental and social fitness. It states that health is a right for each citizen and the responsibility of the State to provide all means to promote health prevent and treat diseases. Main functions of the Ministry of Health are: establish and manage health facilities; control communicable diseases; provide school health, maternal, family and child health care and services (protection of vision and hearing, dental prevention, health education); raise the nutritional standard among population; provide for mental health service and public health laboratories; supply for drugs, vaccines, sera and other medical goods; establish controls and standards for health conditions; provide for the conveyance of corpses and death burials; provide for the safety of drinking water, govern the breeding of animals; and to observe the application of those rules, specifications and conditions. These items are presented in Section I. In addition to the enumeration of goals for the Ministry of Health s work, the Law also provides for the establishment of a Council of the Ministry of Health, which is entrusted with: health policy and planning and governing all the funds in connection with public health in the country; recommendations for the implementation of health policy; control and monitoring the implementation of health plans; directives to ensure the development of the health services and for raising the; formation of personnel in the health sector; and supervision of the work of the health boards in the governorates.
The V Sections are entitled as follows: General Objectives and Administrative Organs (I); Preventative medicine (II); Curative Health Centres (III); Administrative and Penal Provisions (IV); and Final provisions (V).
Date of consolidation/reprint
Entry into force notes
The Law enters into force 60 days after its publication in the Official Gazette.
The last amendment of this Law is the Resolution No.54 of 2001.
Source language


Legislation Amendment
Original title
(89) 1981