Resolution No. 9 of 2013 promulgating Law No. 10 of 2013 establishing the Ministry of Agriculture. 20 May 2013 | Iraq Legislation Legislation FAOLEX Download: irq143375.pdf
Convention v t rinaire entre le Gouvernement de la R publique alg rienne d mocratique et populaire et le Gouvernement de la R publique irakienne, sign e Alger le 29 septembre 1988. 28 Sep 1988 | Algeria Iraq Legislation Agreement FAOLEX Download: alg145825.pdf
Instructions No. 2 of 2014 on Environmental Protection from Municipal Waste. 01 Jan 2014 | Iraq Legislation Miscellaneous FAOLEX Download: irq145552.pdf
Animal Health Act No. 32 of 2013. 17 Sep 2013 | Iraq Legislation Legislation FAOLEX Download: irq143459.pdf
Resolution No. 77 of 2012 promulgating the Agricultural Quarantine Law No.76 of 2012. 18 Oct 2012 | Iraq Legislation Legislation FAOLEX Download: irq143461.pdf
Law No. 50 of 2012 on Seeds and Seed Tubers. 27 Aug 2012 | Iraq Legislation Legislation FAOLEX Download: irq145545.pdf
Law No. 27 of 1999 concerning the establishment of the General Authority for Water and Sewage. 12 Aug 1999 | Iraq Legislation Legislation FAOLEX Download: irq145550.pdf
Instructions No.1 of 2014 - Associations of users of a shared water source. 03 Feb 2014 | Iraq Legislation Miscellaneous FAOLEX Download: irq154159.pdf
National Environmental Strategy and Action Plan for Iraq. 01 Jan 2013 | Iraq Legislation Policy FAOLEX Download: irq155814E.pdf
Law No.49 of 2015 - Confirm ownership of the agricultural lands and orchards excluded from the adjustment acts. 06 Dec 2015 | Iraq Legislation Legislation FAOLEX Download: irq155619.pdf