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Law No. LP227/2022 On industrial emissions .

Type of law

The scope of this law is to create a regulatory framework for preventing pollution caused by types of industrial and economic activities, in order to reduce both emissions into air, water, soil, and waste generation, as well as environmental control, promotion and applying the best available techniques to achieve a high level of protection environment. The subject of this Law are the procedures and rules used in the process of preventing air, water and soil pollution, waste generation, preventing or reducing negative impacts on environment and human health as a result of industrial and economic activity. Emission shall be intended direct or indirect release of substances, vibrations, heat or noise from point or diffuse sources of installation into air, water and soil. The principles of pollution prevention and environmental control are as follows: (a) the principle of priority of environmental measures and actions in the implementation of types of industrial and economic activities; (b) the principle of responsibility for the prevention, limitation, control of pollution, as well as for compensation for damage caused to the environment as a result of industrial and economic activities; (c) the precautionary principle in the operation of installations, management of hazardous substances and mixtures in order to prevent impacts on the environment and human health; (d) the principle of transparency, ensuring access to information about the negative consequences that industrial and economic activities may cause; (e) the green economy principle, which encourages the development of processes and products that reduce or eliminate the use of natural resources and the generation of waste; costs of implementing measures to prevent pollution, as well as costs associated with damage to the environment and its restoration; (g) the principle of use for a fee, which involves the use of natural resources (air, water, soil) by the operator for a fee; (h) the participatory principle, which ensures that all interested parties have access to the environmental permitting process; and (i) the principle of correctness and completeness of information, according to which pollution prevention and environmental control are carried out on the basis of information provided by the operator and information received from the competent authorities. Types of industrial and economic activities provided for in the Annex 1, are carried out on the basis of comprehensive environmental protection permits, and the types of industrial and economic activities provided for in the Annex 2, - on the basis of an environmental permit issued by the Agency for Environmental Protection. If the Agency for Environmental Protection has information that operation of the installation for which an application for the issuance of a comprehensive environmental permit may have a significant impact on environment of a neighboring state, it informs the Ministry of Environmental Protection. This Law contains XI Chapters divided into 60 Articles. Chapter I lays down general provisions. Chapter II establishes administrative and regulatory functions. Chapter III regards issuance of permits for activities posing risk for the environment. Chapter IV establishes criteria for access to environmental information. Chapter V establishes special provisions for combustion plants. Chapter VI establishes special provisions for combustion installations and combined waste burning installations. Chapter VII establishes special provisions for types of activities and installations in which are used organic solvents. Chapter VIII establishes special provisions for installations producing titanium dioxide. Chapter IX regards environmental control. Chapter X regards transboundary effects. Chapter XI lays down final and transitional provisions.
Date of text
Entry into force notes
This Law enters into force 24 months after the date of its official publication.
Source language


Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Republica Moldova PARLAMENTUL LEGE Nr. LP227/2022 din 30.09.2022 privind emisiile industriale.