Resolution No. 29/2021 approving the Statute of the National Fisheries Administration (ADNAP, IP).
Type of law
This Resolution approves the Statute of the National Fisheries Administration (ADNAP, IP). The Statute of ADNAP, IP, consisting of 32 articles divided into six Chapters, establishes composition, duties and responsibilities of this Administration, entitled to perform the following activities: a) Propose policies and strategies for the sustainable development of fisheries and aquaculture; b) manage the process of granting fishing rights and guarantee their implementation; c) Licensing fishing activity, including aquaculture related operations; d) Regulate fishing and aquaculture activities; e) Ensure the sustainable management of fisheries resources, promoting the assessment of the respective environmental impacts; f) Propose and implement plans and measures for the management and development of areas for fishing and aquaculture activities; g) Promote and support institutional involvement of fishing communities, fishing operators and other actors in the participatory management of fisheries resources, etc.
Attached files
Web site
Date of text
Entry into force notes
This Resolution enters into force on the day of its publication.
Serial Imprint
Boletim da República, I Serie, No. 179.
Source language
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Resolução n. 29/2021 - Aprova o Estatuto Orgânico da Administração Nacional da Pesca, IP (ADNAP, IP).