Collective Environmental Act, 2023.
Type of law
This Act provides for amending provisions of the Environmental Act, and several related Acts. Particularly, the amendments concern: replacement and adding of terms and definitions, including: eggs, invasive alien species; measures for conservation of natural areas; measures for environmental planning; provisions on drinking water; measures for increasing protection and conservation of habitats; roles and duties of Ministries and governmental agencies; measures for water treatment plants; issuance of environmental permits; measures concerning land tenants and land owners; measures on noise pollution.
Concerning other Acts, the Act amends: the Electricity Act; the Act containing rules concerning the transportation and distribution of natural gas; the Mining Act; the Water Board Act; the Antarctic Protection Act; the Environment Management Act.
Concerning other Acts, the Act amends: the Electricity Act; the Act containing rules concerning the transportation and distribution of natural gas; the Mining Act; the Water Board Act; the Antarctic Protection Act; the Environment Management Act.
Attached files
Long title of text
Act of 16 October 2023, containing legislative amendments and other amendments of a subordinate nature to the Environmental Act and some laws related to it.
Date of text
Entry into force notes
This Act enters into force at a time to be determined by Royal Decree, which may be determined differently for the different articles or parts thereof (art. 20 of the Act).
Serial Imprint
State Gazette no. 376 of 2023.
Source language
Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Wet van 16 oktober 2023, houdende wetstechnische wijzigingen en andere wijzigingen van ondergeschikte aard in de Omgevingswet en enkele wetten die daarmee verband houden (Verzamelwet Omgevingswet 2023).