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Act containing provisions concerning general matters of environmental hygiene (Environment Management Act).

Type of law
Date of original text

This Act lays down, in 18 Chapters, subdivided in articles, the general principles of environment protection in the Netherlands, creates a framework for administration, planning and decision-making at a national and subnational level, and regulates various environment protection matters in more detail. These matters include the development and establishment of environment quality standards (Chap. 5), preparation and environment impact assessment reports (Chap. 7), grant or refusal permits, their modification or withdrawal, and various requirements which may be attached to permits (Chap. 8), the production and treatment of waste matter (Chap. 10), coordination within the administration (Chap. 14), contributions to environment conservation measures (Chap. 15), enforcement, and appeal within the administration (Chap. 21). There shall be a National Environment Plan (art. 4.3), A National Environment Programme (art. 4.6), Provincial Environment Plans (art. 4.9) and Programmes (art. 4.14), and Municipal Plans (art. 4.16) also for drainage (art. 4.22), and Programmes (art. 4.20). The National and Provincial Plans shall be made at least every four years and the yearly Programmes shall comply with the Plans.
Date of consolidation/reprint
Consolidated version as last amended by the Act of 17 July 2024 published in the Official Gazette no. 272 of 2024
Serial Imprint
State Gazette no. 442 of 1979
Source language


Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Wet houdende regelen met betrekking tot een aantal algemene onderwerpen op het gebied van de milieuhygi ne (Wet Milieubeheer).
Amended by
Implemented by