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Decree designating supervisors of physical living environment.

Type of law
Date of original text

This Decree, implementing provisions of several Acts, provides for appointing supervisory officials in various sectors related to physical environment matters. The Decree covers the following matters: water supply systems; environmentally harmful activities, and activities involving hazardous substances; labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures; appointment of officials of the Dutch Emissions Authority; waste collection and shipment; mining works and wind farm activities; duties of the officials of the Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority; monitoring compliance with the provisions of the legislation concerning waterworks and hazardous waste management. The Decree empowers the officials and the appointed supervisors to entry and inspect premises, in order to ensure compliance with the provisions of the Decree.
Long title of text
Decree of the Minister of Infrastructure and Water Management, the Minister for Nature and Nitrogen, and the Minister for Climate and Energy, of 20 December 2023, no. IENW/BSK-2023/333572, appointing supervisory officials to replace the Designation Decree civil servants VROM regulations.
Date of consolidation/reprint
Entry into force notes
1 January 2024.
Consolidated version as last amended by the Decree no. IENW/BSK-2024/70557 published in the Government Gazette no. 8239 of 2024.
Serial Imprint
Government Gazette no. 32651 of 2023.
Source language


Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Besluiten van de Minister van Infrastructuur en Waterstaat, de Minister voor Natuur en Stikstof, en de Minister voor Klimaat en Energie, van 20 december 2023, nr. IENW/BSK-2023/333572, houdende aanwijzing van toezichthoudende ambtenaren ter vervanging van het Besluit aanwijzing ambtenaren VROM-regelgeving, (Besluit aanwijzing toezichthouders fysieke leefomgeving).