Decree No. 352 of 2002 amending the Decree relative to State supervision on public health and some other Decrees.
Type of law
This Decree amends the various Decrees relative to the establishment of the Authority for Food and Goods. This Authority is a central and supervisory body established to respond effectively to various crises occurring in the food producing sector such as BSE or dioxine and salmonella poisoning. In all Decrees here amended the words "the Goods Inspection Service" shall be replaced by "the Authority for Food and Goods" or the "Veterinary Chief Inspector of the Goods Inspection Service" shall be replaced by "Veterinary Chief Inspector of the Authority for Food and Goods". The Authority shall have at least 2 departments: the Goods Inspection Service and the State Office for the Inspection of Livestock and Meat.
Attached files
Web site
Date of text
Serial Imprint
Staatsblad, No. 352 of 1 July 2002, pp. 1-7.
Source language
Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment