Decree No. 1029 of 1989 relative to trawl-free zones and flexible areas beyond 12 nautical miles from the baseline of the Norwegian mainland.
Type of law
Date of original text
This Decree applies to fishing by Norwegian and foreign vessels in the Norwegian Economic Zone beyond the 12 nautical mile limit measured from the baseline (sect. 1). Section 3 specifies areas and periods in which it is prohibited to fish with trawlers. Section 6 concerns the establishment of 'flexible areas' which are defined in section 5 as areas where for a certain period restrictions are placed upon the use of specified gear or in which fishing with specified gear is altogether prohibited. Flexible areas may be established by the Directorate of Fisheries which shall, in doing so, observe the criteria specified in section 7. Directions regarding restrictions on fishing shall be given at least 12 hours in advance with the use of radio connection (sect. 8). Vessels arriving in prescribed areas shall notify the coast guard in order to receive instructions (sect. 9). (12 sections)
Attached files
Web site
Date of consolidation/reprint
Consolidated version of Decree No. 1029 of 1989 as amended last by Decree No. 254 of 1999.
Source language
Legislation status
Legislation Amendment
Implemented by