Decree No. 1322 of 2000 to regulate fishing for blue whiting in the EU Zone and the zone of the Faeroe Islands, the international waters, the Norwegian economic zone, and the fishery zone of Jan Mayen for vessels which are licensed to trawl for blue whiting in 2001.
Type of law
Section 1 prohibits in principal fishing for blue whiting with Norwegian vessels in the EU zone and the zone of the Faeroe Islands. Section 2 allows a total allowable catch of 190.640 tons of blue whiting to be fished by Norwegian vessels, which are in possession of a licence granted pursuant to Decree No. 2185 of 1986, in the following areas: ICES statistics areas II, IVa, VIa north of 56 30' N, VIb and VII west of the 12 V in 2000. Of this quantity 40 000 tons may be fished in ICES area IV of the EU zone. 47.000 tons of blue whiting may be fished by Norwegian vessels in the zone of the Faeroe Islands. 250.000 tons may be caught in the international waters, the Norwegian economic zone, and the fishery zone of Jan Mayen. Vessels shall notify landing stations before 3 January 2001 of their intention to participate. Vessels shall sail before 14 March, 2001. Section 5 gives powers to the Director of Fisheries to fix maximum quotas for vessels. Not more than 20 Norwegian vessels shall operate in the zone of the Faeroe Islands at the same time (sect. 6). Section 7 gives powers to the Director of Fisheries to stop fishing if quota levels are reached. (10 sections)
Attached files
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Date of text
Entry into force notes
Remains in force for the whole year 2001.
Source language
Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Amended by