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Decree No. 1551 of 2001 to regulate fishing for sprat in the Norwegian Zone and the EU-zone in the North Sea and the Skagerrak in 2002.

Type of law

Section 1 prohibits in principal fishing for sprat with Norwegian vessels in ICES statistics area IV in the Norwegian Economic Zone and the EU zone. Section 1 further defines the ICES statistical area IV. Section 2 allows a total allowable catch of 35.000 tons of sea sprat to be fished and landed by Norwegian vessels in possession of licences issued pursuant to Decree No. 1 of 1979 and Decree No. 2185 of 1986 in statistics area IV of the EU zone. The Director of Fisheries may open fishing in the Economic Zone if the quota in the other areas is fully fished. No fishing is allowed between 1 of April and the 30 of September (sect. 4). Quotas for single vessels are set at 900 tons. Other provisions of Chapter 1 deal with reporting and bycatch which may for maximum 10 percent of the total consist of herring. Chapter 2 deals with fishing in the Skagerrak in which 3.750 tons may be fished. Fishing is allowed in the area distant 4 nautical miles from the Danish and Swedish baseline. Chapter III outlines powers of the Director of Fisheries to regulate quotas and stop fishing if quotas are exhausted.
Date of text
Entry into force notes
Remains in force until the end of 2002.
Source language


Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment