Decree No. 471 of 2009 concerning the shape and installation of sorting grids in fishing for blue whiting and Norwegian pout with the use of small mesh trawls.
Type of law
Date of original text
This Decree requires a sorting grid to be used in fishing for blue whiting and Norwegian pout by Norwegian and foreign vessels using small mesh trawl and fishing in waters under the fisheries jurisdiction of Norway. The grid and its installation shall meet all requirements as set out by this Decree. The requirement shall not apply to vessels that are equipped to process fish for human consumption and on the presumption that fish is actually landed and marketed for human consumption. The regional office of the Fisheries Directorate may, however, still impose the requirement on such vessels. Norwegian vessel landing their catch in foreign ports shall send a prior notification to the Fisheries Directorate by email.
Attached files
Web site
Date of consolidation/reprint
Consolidated version as amended last by Decree No. 632 of 2017.
Source language
Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment