Decree to regulate fishing for Greenland halibut and anglerfish in marine areas around the Faeroe Islands in 1998 (No. 183 of 1998).
Type of law
In principal it is forbidden to fish for Greenland halibut and angler fish in the zones around the Faeroe Islands (not further defined). However, 200 tons of Greenland halibut and 100 tons of angler fish may be fished but with exclusive use of nets (sect. 1). Vessels which wish to participate shall notify this to the Director of Fisheries within a term further to be defined. The Director may reallocate single catch quotas if fishing conditions allow so. The Director may establishes fishing periods for single vessels, order a stop on fishing if the total catch quota has been fished, and regulate various other matters relating to fishing under the present Decree. (5 sections)
Attached files
Web site
Date of text
Entry into force notes
Immediately and remains into force until the end of 1998.
Source language
Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment