Regulation No. 112 on fishing of Greenlandic vessels in the Norwegian Economic Zone in 2013.
Type of law
It is prohibited to Greenlandic fishing vessels to operate in the Norwegian economic zone between 12 and 200 nautical miles from the baselines. Nevertheless it is permitted to fish 62 N of the said area up to 3 500 tons of cod, 1 050 tons of haddock, 1 000 tons of saithe and 260 tons of other species as bycatch, including redfish and Greenland halibut. Additionally, it is however permitted to vessels flying Greenlandic flag, to fish the following quantities assigned to Greenland from Russia in the economic zone north of 62 N: 5 000 tons of cod and 500 tons of Northeast Arctic haddock. By-catch is permitted up to 20% of catch and, when fishing for other species, up to 7% mixture of Greenland halibut may be by-cought and it is permitted to have up to 12% Greenland halibut bycatch in each catch. Prohibition of cod trawls and fishing for silver smelt and blue whiting with small-meshed trawls applies to specific positions (article 6).
Attached files
Web site
Date of text
Entry into force notes
Immediate entry into force with validity to 31 December 2013.
Source language
Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
FOR 2013-01-25 nr 112: Forskrift om regulering av fisket for fart y som f rer gr nlandsk flagg i Norges konomiske sone i 2013.