Regulation No. 294 on 2014 sprat-fishing.
Type of law
The Regulation establishes guidelines on sprat fishing in 2014. It is not allowed to fish this species by Norwegian fishing vessels in the ICES statistical areas IV of Norway's territorial waters, the economic and in the EU zone, as well as in the ICES statistical areas IIIa in Norway's territorial waters in the Skagerrak - four nautical miles further from the baselines in the area bound on the west by a straight line through Hanstholmen and Lindesnes lighthouse and on the south by a straight line from Hansen re Grub Spider from Cross Garden to Spodsbjerg and from Gilbjerg Main to Kullen. Norwegian vessels are authorized however to fish with purse seine and pelagic trawl in the North Sea and land up to 9 000 tonnes of sprat in EU waters. These vessels have the right to participate in fishing and land coastal sprat in the Skagerrak with a limited allowable catch of 2 496 tonnes as an agreement between the EU and Norway. Fishing for sprat is not permitted between 1 April and 31 July. Bycatch may consist of up to 10% of herring. During the priod from 1 January to During the period from 1 January to 31 July coastal fishing for sprat is not authorized.
Chapter 1 - Fish prohibition and allowances (articles 1-2).
Chapter 2 - Fishing with purse seiners and pelagic trawl/north sea trawler (art. 3-6).
Chapter 3 - Fishing with coastal vessels (art. 7-8).
Chapter 4 - Common provisions (art. 9).
Chapter 5 - Penalties and entry into force (art. 10-11).
Chapter 1 - Fish prohibition and allowances (articles 1-2).
Chapter 2 - Fishing with purse seiners and pelagic trawl/north sea trawler (art. 3-6).
Chapter 3 - Fishing with coastal vessels (art. 7-8).
Chapter 4 - Common provisions (art. 9).
Chapter 5 - Penalties and entry into force (art. 10-11).
Attached files
Web site
Date of text
Entry into force notes
Immediate entry into force with validity until 31 December 2014.
Source language
Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Forskrift om regulering av fisket etter brisling i 2014.