Regulation establishing the form of registration of third country enterprises from where animal feedingstuffs can be brought.
Type of law
This Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, which is composed of three paragraphs and two Annexes, establishes the form of registration of third country enterprises from where animal feedingstuffs can be brought, carrying out activities concerning production of animal feedingstuffs intended for marketing. Data and information contained in the registry kept by the Chief Veterinary Officer on the basis of former provisions are used for the registration established by this Regulation.
Attached files
Web site
Date of text
Entry into force notes
The Regulation enters into force 14 days after publication in the Journal of Laws.
Serial Imprint
Journal of Laws 2007 No. 107 Pos. 737
Source language
Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Rozporzadzenie w sprawie wzoru ewidencji zakladow panstw trzecich, z ktorych moga byc przywozone pasze.