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Decree-Law No. 142/2008 establishing the legal regime for the preservation of Wildlife and Biodiversity.

Type of law
Date of original text

This Decree-Law, consisting of 54 articles divided into eight Chapters establishes the legal regime for the preservation of Wildlife and Biodiversity. It is applicable to all values and natural resources present in the national territory and in waters under national jurisdiction. The provisions of this Decree-Law do not prejudice the application of special arrangements in force, in particular those concerning the national ecological reserve, the public water domain, the national agricultural reserve and forestry, plant genetic, agricultural, hunting, inland freshwater fisheries, and aquaculture resources. Protected areas may be national, regional or local, depending on the interests they seek to safeguard. Protected areas shall be classified as follows: a) National park; b) Natural park; c) Nature reserve; d) Protected landscape; e) Natural monument. With the exception of the 'national park' typology, regional or local protected areas may adopt any of the aforementioned typologies and shall be accompanied by the related designation. Where any of the protected areas, whatever its type, is delimited exclusively in maritime waters under national jurisdiction, the term 'marine' shall be added to the typology used. Private protected areas may also be classified in accordance with Article 21. The classification of a protected area aims to give it a statutory protection status appropriate to the maintenance of biodiversity and ecosystem services; geological heritage, as well as the enhancement of the landscape.
Date of consolidation/reprint
Last amended and consolidated by Decree-Law No. 11/2023 of 10 February 2023.
Serial Imprint
Di rio da Rep blica No. 142, 24 July 2008.
Source language


Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Decreto-Lei n. 142/2008: Estabelece o regime jur dico da conserva o da natureza e da biodiversidade e revoga os Decretos-Leis n.os 264/79, de 1 de Agosto, e 19/93, de 23 de Janeiro.